Exclusive discounts on health products today! Free Repeat Prescription Collection & Delivery Service

Our friendly pharmacists are always on hand to help and assist with your healthcare queries.

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Barkat outside
Barkat inside picture
Barkat inside picture
Barkat Pharmacy  Smile Your Way to Good Health
Barkat Pharmacy  Smile Your Way to Good Health
Your Pharmacists are

Mr Shoaib Chaudhry MPharm & Ms Huma Afreen MPharm

Open SEVEN days a week


Free prescription delivery service

Urdu and Punjabi speaking pharmacists who always listen to your healthcare concerns

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Our Products

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All products must be paid and picked up in store

Visit Barkat Pharmacy for your health needs. Conveniently located to serve the community with quality products and personalized care.

Opening Hours

09:00 - 21:00 Mon to Fri

11:00 - 16:00 Sun

Tel No: +44 (0)121 777 6680

14:00 - 21:00 Sat

Barkat Pharmacy

775 Stratford Road, Springfield

Birmingham B11 4DG

Email: contact@barkatpharmacy.co.uk